Sponsors who obtained their Sponsor Licence immediately following the introduction of the Points-Based System in November 2008 will receive notifications from the UK Border Agency (UKBA) regarding the renewal process. The e-mails will come from [email protected] and will be addressed to the Level 1 user. Occasionally these e-mails inadvertently end up in the spam folder, so this should be checked regularly.
A further notification will be sent to sponsors three months before the expiration date when the renewal function will be activated on the Sponsor Management System (SMS). No documentation must be submitted with the application, but sponsors should be prepared to submit any documents subsequently requested by the UKBA within seven days. The UKBA may undertake a compliance visit.
The Sponsor summary details on the SMS should be up-to-date before a renewal application is submitted. Sponsors must notify the UKBA of any change to the Authorising Officer or Level 1 user before submitting the license renewal application. The fees for the application are £500 for small or charitable companies and £1500 for medium and large companies.
It is strongly recommended that sponsors submit their renewal applications well before the expiration date. Provided the application and payment are received before the expiration date, sponsors may continue to sponsor migrants while the application is being processed. If the deadline is missed, however, sponsors will no longer be able to sponsor migrants and their existing leave (permission to enter or remain) will be curtailed.