Musings on Immigration
One of the striking things about reading hundreds of newspaper articles about "immigration reform" with thousands of quotes from politicians is the amazing misuse of words and phrases that form an essential part of the debate. To aid you in your understanding of the immigration reform debate, here are definitions of the key words and phrases, as used by the different side,s on this very important issue.
Word/Phrase Immigration Reform The Senate Immigration Bill DACA/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DREAMers Amnesty Border Security “Back of the Line” E-Verify | Senate Democrat and GOP Meaning Our current legal immigration system is broken and is in need of a complete review and rewrite to ensure the future competitive economic advantage held by the United States as a nation of immigrants. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 BSEOIMA’s 1,198 pages are a virtual rewrite of thousands of additional pages of one of the most complex immigration systems on earth. BSEOIMA attempts to enhance border security, hold employers accountable for undocumented hires, fix a terrible legal immigration system, create a future path for immigration, and deal with the 11 million undocumented people and their families humanely and justly. Program put in place by President Obama in June 2012 to alleviate the political pressure he was receiving from undocumented students, brought here as children through no fault of their own, who seek a future opportunity in the only country they have ever known. Those brought to the United States under the age of 16, educated here, and who have become American in every sense except for a piece of papers. These kids will receive an expedited process to permanent residence under a stringent and detailed list of criteria. Does not exist. Amnesty is complete forgiveness without recompense. There is no Amensty in BSEOIMA. Fines, delays, civic and language requirements, high filing fees and and a 10 year wait for full legal status ensure that there is NO forgiveness without recompense. BSEOIMA increases the effectiveness of the Border Patrol, builds fences to deter illegal crossings, and calls for spending $46 billion dollars just on the border over the next decade. BSEOIMA will significantly reduce the flow of undocumented immigration to the United States. What line? Today some relatives have an 24 year wait for a green card, and employers can wait up to 14 years to immigrate some employees. BSEOIMA reduces backlogs, increases visa opportunities, creates a new start up visa, increases investment, rewards Masters Degree and PhDs with US Degrees in STEM fields, generally fixes the “line” and creates enormous economic benefit to the US. A necessary part of immigration reform, requiring all US employers to verify the identity and work authorization of all new employees with an online federal government database run by the USCIS and Social Security Administration. While error prone and time consuming, it is currently the only effective way to verify employment eligibility. | House GOP Meaning An attempt by Democrats to create millions of new Democratic voters, and to destroy the foundation of America. A Democratic attempt to pass an amnesty to reward lawbreakers and create open borders to allow the destruction of America. President Obama’s attempt to curry favor with Latinos by offering a work permit to kids who should not be in the United States. This program must be defunded. (NOTE: There are no public funds used for this program). “Brazen Self-Professed Illegal Aliens . . . " The Senate Immigration Bill. A complete synthetic bubble around America that does not allow a single person into the United States without a visa, a background check, and a full body cavity search. This must be done before any consideration is given to fixing the broken legal immigration system. (NOTE: Ignores the fact that the broken legal immigration system causes illegal immigration). Where immigrants should be who want to come to the US. My relatives waited in the line three generations ago, these people can wait too. The first step to a national ID Card. Although some House GOP members do LOVE this idea! |