RESOLVED, that the Republican National Committee calls upon the President and Congress to create a new work permit program that will allow foreign nationals who are currently in the country and have not violated any other laws of the U.S. to come forward and register and be allowed to remain and work in the U.S. The work permit will not result in application for citizenship nor any family members entering the U.S. and will require renewal every two years upon proof of continuous employment with no more than two (2) months per two (2) year period unemployed or convicted of a crime. |
Americans recognize that for many of those seeking entry in our country, the lack of respect for the rule of law in their country of origin has meant economic exploitation and political oppression |
Also befuddling and unexplained is the resolution's support for a "merit system utilizing the newest technology that focuses on the needs of United States employers and matches the economic and cultural attributes that each immigrant possesses to those needs." Since when do Republicans give a hoot about matching the "cultural attributes" of would-be immigrants and foreign temporary workers to the needs of American employers? There's a dog whistle in there somewhere, but it's hard to discern. Are "cultural attributes" a code for "English-only" speakers from abroad? Again, it's anyone's guess.
One thing is clear, however, and that's self-deportation or "attrition through enforcement" -- the immigration policy of the GOP's last presidential nominee -- is now officially viewed, at least by RNC Chairman, Rance Priebus, as "a horrific comment to make" and "not something that has anything to do with our party."
So, in sum, the RNC's policy seems to be that:
- Two-year renewable (but non-amnesty) work permits should be granted to "illegal aliens" who broke our immigration laws because they are victims of lawbreaking abroad that led to their economic exploitation and political oppression (but only so long as they stay mostly employed and otherwise remain crime-free);
- Legal immigration that matches the economic traits of qualified foreign workers and the needs of U.S. employers should be expanded, especially if the workers' "cultural attributes" are similarly aligned; and
- Self-deportation is horrific and should not be supported as policy by red-blooded Republicans.